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Results 1-10 of 654 (Search time: 0.005 seconds).
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PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1997Mapping of the gene for vascular endothelial growth factor-D in mouse and man to the X chromosomeJenkins, N.; Woollatt, E.; Crawford, J.; Gilbert, D.; Baldwin, M.; Sutherland, G.; Copeland, N.; Achen, M.
1995Exposure to environmental lead and visual motor integration at 7 years: The Port Pirie Cohort StudyBaghurst, P.; McMichael, A.; Tong, S.; Wigg, N.; Vimpani, G.; Robertson, E.
1996Children with hyperimmunoglobulinemia D and periodic fever syndromeGrose, C.; Schnetzer, J.; Ferrante, A.; Vladutiu, A.
1998A reduction in repeat falls in a private psychiatric hospitalMurdock, C.; Goldney, R.; Fisher, L.; Kent, P.; Wamsley, S.
1999Effect of 3 weeks of detraining on the resting metabolic rate and body composition of trained malesLaForgia, J.; Withers, R.; Williams, A.; Murch, B.; Chatterton, B.; Schultz, C.; Leaney, F.
1998Maintenance therapy with oral ganciclovir after treatment of cytomegalovirus infectionNankivell, B.; Malouf, M.; Russ, G.; Barclay, P.; Glanville, A.; Allen, R.; O'Connell, P.; Chapman, J.
1998Hemispheric differences in motor cortex excitability during a simple index finger abduction task in humansSemmler, J.; Nordstrom, M.
1995Laparoscopic cardiomyotomy and Dor patch for achalasiaMitchell, P.; Watson, D.; Devitt, P.; Britten-Jones, R.; MacDonald, S.; Myers, J.; Jamieson, G.
1995Mechanisms of small ring formation suggested by the molecular characterization of 2 small accessory ring chromosomes derived from chromosome 4Fang, Y.; Eyre, H.; Bohlander, S.; Estop, A.; McPherson, E.; Trager, T.; Riess, O.; Callen, D.
1998Activator and Begg appliance management of a severe Angle Class II, division 1 malocclusionCameron, J.; Sampson, W.