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Title: Water theft laws and penalties in the Murray-Darling Basin are a dog’s breakfast. Here’s how we can fix them
Author: Loch, A.
Croft, M.
Adamson, D.
Giancaspro, M.
Publisher: The Conversation Media Group Limited
Issue Date: 2024
Statement of
Adam James Loch, David Adamson, Mark Giancaspro, Michael Croft
Abstract: Water is one of Australia’s most valuable commodities. Rights to take water from our nation’s largest river system, the Murray-Darling Basin, are worth almost A$100 billion. These rights can be bought and sold or leased, with trade exceeding A$2 billion a year. But water is also being stolen (no-one knows how much) and the thieves usually get away with it.
Keywords: water theft laws
Rights: © 2010–2024, The Conversation Media Group Ltd
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Appears in Collections:Research Outputs

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