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Type: Conference paper
Title: Locating Internet Routing Instabilities
Author: Feldmann, Anja
Maennel, Olaf Manuel
Mao, Zhuoqing Morley
Berger, Arthur
Maggs, Bruce
Citation: Proceedings of the 2004 ACM SIGCOMM conference on Applications, technologies, architectures, and protocols for computer communications, 2004; 34 (4):205 - 218
Publisher: Association for Computing Machinery Press
Issue Date: 2004
ISSN: 0146-4833
Conference Name: Association for Computing Machinery Special Interest Group on Data Communication conference (2004 : Portland, Oregon)
School/Discipline: School of Mathematical Sciences
Abstract: This paper presents a methodology for identifying the autonomous system (or systems) responsible when a routing change is observed and propagated by BGP. The origin of such a routing instability is deduced by examining and correlating BGP updates for many prefixes gathered at many observation points. Although interpreting BGP updates can be perplexing, we find that we can pinpoint the origin to either a single AS or a session between two ASes in most cases. We verify our methodology in two phases. First, we perform simulations on an AS topology derived from actual BGP updates using routing policies that are compatible with inferred peering/customer/provider relationships. In these simulations, in which network and router behavior are "ideal", we inject inter-AS link failures and demonstrate that our methodology can effectively identify most origins of instability. We then develop several heuristics to cope with the limitations of the actual BGP update propagation process and monitoring infrastructure, and apply our methodology and evaluation techniques to actual BGP updates gathered at hundreds of observation points. This approach of relying on data from BGP simulations as well as from measurements enables us to evaluate the inference quality achieved by our approach under ideal situations and how it is correlated with the actual quality and the number of observation points.
Keywords: Measurement; Analysis; Simulation; BGP; root cause analysis; routing instability; instability origin
Description: Copyright 2004 ACM
Appears in Collections:Mathematical Sciences publications

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