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Type: Journal article
Title: Clinical audit on documentation of anticipatory "not for resuscitation" orders in a tertiary Australian teaching hospital
Author: Salins, Naveen S.
Jansen, Wendy Irmgard
Citation: Indian Journal of Palliative Care, 2011; 17(1):42-46
Publisher: Medknow Publications and Media Pvt. Ltd.
Issue Date: 2011
ISSN: 0973-1075
School/Discipline: School of Nursing
Statement of
Naveen Sulakshan Salins and Wendy Jansen
Abstract: Aim: The purpose of this clinical audit was to determine how accurately documentation of anticipatory Not for Resuscitation (NFR) orders takes place in a major metropolitan teaching hospital of Australia. Materials and Methods: Retrospective hospital-based study. Independent case reviewers using a questionnaire designed to study NFR documentation reviewed documentation of NFR in 88 case records. Results: Prognosis was documented in only 40% of cases and palliative care was offered to two-third of patients with documented NFR. There was no documentation of the cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) process or outcomes of CPR in most of the cases. Only in less than 50% of cases studied there was documented evidence to suggest that the reason for NFR documentation was consistent with patient’s choices. Conclusion: Good discussion, unambiguous documentation and clinical supervision of NFR order ensure dignified and quality care to the dying.
Keywords: Audit; Documentation; Not for resuscitation
Rights: Copyright © Indian Journal of Palliative Care
DOI: 10.4103/0973-1075.78448
Appears in Collections:Nursing publications

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