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Type: Creative work
Title: URBAN ACUPUNCTURE: public space regeneration through the 'Pedibus' micro-projects in the Oltrarno quarter in Florence
Author: Palazzo, E.
Pelucca, B.
Publisher: Municipality of Florence
Publisher Place: Florence, Italy
Issue Date: 2009
Description: The Pedibus project was delivered in Florence, a UNESCO-protected world heritage site. The morphological situation is complex: in the historic city centre pedestrian areas coexist with congested traffic and diverse local citizens seek a say in evolution of a living cityscape. The project tested a pioneering idea for the regeneration and re-appropriation of public space, specifically addressing the safety needs of three schools. The name Pedibus is derived from Latin pedis (foot) and bus. It provides an incentive to avoid cars use, organizing communal walking like a city bus system with terminals, fixed routes, stops and running times. The Pedibus suggests the participation of citizens through organization of those already in the field: parents, grandparents, volunteers and local police who in turn deal with the accompaniment of children. Research questions include: How can a protected heritage site accommodate the living needs of contemporary citizens, especially children? How can streetscape design encourage pedestrians use? How can minor interventions – urban acupuncture –catalyse further works in difficult contested situations as well as assist in finding funding to achieve them?
Appears in Collections:Architecture publications
Aurora harvest 2

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